Books and Special Issues ordered from recent to older ones

Schmidt, G.
Verwandte und Vorfahren unserer Familie
--- Sammlung von Ahnentafeln, Belegen, Bildern, Dokumenten und Erinnerungen
Privatdruck 2025, 486 pages
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Schmidt, G.
Mathematik als Wissenschaft in der Gesellschaft
--- Historische Äußerungen und aktuelle Anregungen
Springer Spektrum 2023, 263 pages, ISBN-13: 978-3-662-67897-8, ISBN-13: 978-3-662-67898-5
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Schmidt, G.
Was einem Juristen vor, in und nach dem Kriege widerfuhr
--- demonstriert mit der Fülle damaliger Dokumente
Privatdruck 2022, 298 pages
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Schmidt, G.
Rückblick auf die Anfänge der Münchner Informatik
Dokumente, Belege, Veröffentlichungen und Erinnerungen
von früh und lange Beteiligten
Springer Verlag 2020, 207 pages, ISBN 978-3-658-28754-2, ISBN 978-3-658-28755-9
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Schmidt, G., Winter, M.
Relational Topology
Springer Verlag, 2018
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 2208
ISBN 978-3-319-74451-3, xiv + 198 pages
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Berghammer, R., Möller, B., Winter, M.
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
Special Issue: Volume 83, Issue 2, Pages 81-318, 2014
ISSN 2352-2208
---> Festschrift
Schmidt, G.
Relational Mathematics
Cambridge University Press, 2011
Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 132
ISBN 978-0-521-76268-7, 567 pages
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de Swart, H. C. M., Orlowska, E., Schmidt, G., and Roubens, M., Eds.
Theory and Application of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II,
Wrap-up volume of the COST Action 274: TARSKI,
Vol. 4342, Lect. Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2006
ISBN-10: 3-540-69223-1, ISBN-13: 978-3-540-69223-2
de Swart, H. C. M., Orlowska, E., Schmidt, G., and Roubens, M., Eds.
Theory and Application of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments,
Kickoff volume of the COST Action 274: TARSKI,
Vol. 2929, Lect. Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2003
ISBN 3-540-20780-5
Kahl, W., Parnas, D. L., and Schmidt, G., Eds.
Relational Methods in Software - RelMiS 2001,
Special Issue of: Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 44 (3)
ISSN: 1571-0661, M. Mislove, Ed., Elsevier, 2003
Kahl, W., Schmidt, G.
Exploring (Finite) Relation Algebras With Tools Written in Haskell
Tech. Rep. 2000 (2), Fakultät für Informatik,
Universität der Bundeswehr München
158 pages download
Jaoua, A., and Schmidt, G., Eds.
Relational Methods in Computer Science,
Special Issue of: Information Sciences - An International Journal,
Vol. 119, No. 3-4, Oktober II 1999, pp. 131-314, ISSN 0020-0255
Brink, C., Kahl, W., and Schmidt, G., (Eds.)
Relational Methods in Computer Science,
Advances in Computing Science. ISBN 3-211-82971-7
Springer Vienna-New York, 1997, 272 p.
Mayr, E., Schmidt, G., and Tinhofer, G., Eds.
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science,
vol. 903 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Proc. 20th Intern. Workshop WG '94, Jun 17-19,
Herrsching, Springer 1994, 306 p.
ISBN 3-540-59071-4
Schmidt, G., and Ströhlein, T.
Relations and Graphs -
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Scientists.
EATCS Monographs on Theoretical Computer Science.
Springer, 1993. 301 p.
Schmidt, G., and Berghammer, R., Eds.
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science,
vol. 570 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Proc. 17th Intern. Workshop WG '91, Jun 17-19,
Richterheim Fischbachau, Springer 1991, 253 p.
ISBN 3-540-55121-2, ISBN 0-387-55121-2
Güntzer, U., Schmidt, G., Kempf, M., and Möller, B.
Mathematische Logik.
Institut für Informatik der TU München, 1989. 136 p.
Vorlesungsskript TUM-INFO-07-89-100-250/4-FBMA
Neuauflagen: 1991 U Stuttgart, 1993 TU München
Schmidt, G., and Ströhlein, T.
Relationen und Graphen - Mathematik für Informatiker.
Springer, 1989. 304 p.
Tinhofer, G., and Schmidt, G., Eds.
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science,
vol. 246 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Proc. 12th Intern. Workshop WG '86, Jun 17-19,
Kloster Bernried, Springer 1987, 306 p.
ISBN 3-540-17218-1, ISBN 0-387-17218-1
Broy, M., and Schmidt, G., Eds.
Theoretical Foundations of Programming Methodology,
Lect. Notes of an Intern. Summer School, 658 p.
Dordrecht-Boston-London, Reidel 1982
Bauer, F. L., and Schmidt, G., Eds.
Erinnerungen an Robert Sauer,
Beiträge zum Gedächtniskolloquium
anläßlich seines 10. Todestages,
Springer 1981, 75 p.