The homepage for


as of April 6, 2014

TituRel is a software system to work with relations. It offers various tools written in the functional programming language Haskell allowing to

All this emerged along years of research on relations and relation algebra as documented with the book Relational Mathematics and its addendum Relational Mathematics Continued .

Early preparations have been made with RelLangHomePage and JoRMiCSRevision.

One will identify some hints on TituRel in the transparencies of a talk. Results obtained with TituRel may be found in several publications:

The system TituRel runs under one of the following acronym interpretations
More about TituRel from different sources:


Prof. Dr. Gunther Schmidt (retired)
Institut für Softwaretechnologie
Universität der Bundeswehr München
85577 Neubiberg, Germany